03 Ocak 2019

Name                      Ümit AYDIN, M.D.

Address                   Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology, Head             and Neck Surgery, 06018, Etlik, Ankara, Turkey. Telephone +903123045707 / +905333727886

E-mail                       denizsea30@gmail.com

Date of birth            February, 15th, 1979


2006-2011                 Residency, Gulhane Military Medical School, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

2003-2004                 Internship, Gulhane Military Medical Academy

1997-2003                 Medical student, Gulhane Military Medical Academy


2016-2018                  Otolaryngologist, Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

2011- 2016                 Otolaryngologist, Gulhane Military Medical School, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

2004-2006                   General practitioner, TCG Ertugrul warship of Turkish Naval Force.